
Brief Interlude

Before my next post...coming shortly:

I can't believe nobody had nuthin' to say about "Konichiwa Bitches" or "Jizz In My Pants." Not even a slight mention of the J.T. cameo in the SNL Digital Short. As far as Robyn is concerned, well I fell in love with the song pre video discovery, so I had to figure out the lyrics on my own, and it made me (still makes me) laugh when I got hip to the lines "One left, one right / That's how I organize them. / You know I fill my cups / No need to super-size them."

1 comment:

djpegleg said...

Dude, I pulled four songs offa that album and that's a goodly amount, usually it's only one or two.

And you were suppose to comment on either vidjah, not the mix...which you'll be getting tonight anyways.